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- Palikaris IG, Siganos DS. Guest Editors. Laser-Assisted in Situ
Keratomileusis. Seminars in Ophthalmology. W.B. Saunders Company, Orlando FL, USA,
1998 13(2).
- Palikaris IG.
Guest editor. Refining Human
Optics – The Future of Refractive Surgery. Euro Times, 1999, Vol 4, Issue 1,
- VV. Molebny, I. H. Chyzh, V. M. Sokurenko, L. Naoumidis,
I. Pallikaris, Y. S. Wakil. Device for Measuring Aberration Refraction of the Eye.
US Patent Application No PCT/US99/23327, 7.10.1999
- Pallikaris IG, Katsanevaki VI. Lasik.Optical
Complications of Photorefractive Surger., Eye News, edited by Dr.Shashi Kapoor,
Mumbai, India on behalf of the Academy of Ophthalmology for Advancement of
- VV. Molebny, I. H. Chyzh, V. M. Sokurenko, L.
Naoumidis, I. Pallikaris, Y. S. Wakil. Eye Refraction Aberrometer. International Patent
Application: Publication Number WO 00/19885, 13.04.2000.
- Pallikaris IG, Quality of Vision and Functional
Vision. A Critical Appraisal of “SuperVision” and Related Refractive Matters,
Eurotimes, 2001, Jan/Feb.
- Pallikaris IG.The European Results of the PRL. Ocular
Surgery News, monograph titled “New Technologies in Phakic Refractive Lenses”,
(Eurore/Asia-Pacific Edition), 2002, March:6-7.
- Tsagaraki DP, Evangeliou AE, Tsilimbaris M, Spilioti
MG, Mixailidou EP, Lionis Chr, Pallikaris IG. The Significance of Opthalmologic
Evaluation in the Early Diognosis of Inborn Errors of Metabolism: The Cretan
Experience, BMC Ophthalmology (online
journal), 2002, Apr (2).
- Pallikaris IG, Burkhard D, Kaiser St. Wavefront
Analysis and IOLs, What’s New?, Refractive News Letter (supplement of
Laserpost),2002, April(1):1.
- S.Lydataki, E.Lesnieswska, M.K.Tsilimbaris,
S.Panagopoulou, C.Le Grimellec, I.G.Pallikaris. Excimer Laser Ablated Cornea
Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy, Single Molecules, 2002, July (3): 2-3,
- V.P Kozobolis, E.V.Christodoulakis, C.S.Siganos,
I.G.Pallikaris. Haemorrhagische Abloesung der Descemet-Membran als Komplikation
nach Tiefer Sklerektomie, Search on Glaucoma, 2002, 10:2, 46-48
- VV. Molebny, I. H. Chyzh, V. M. Sokurenko, L. Naoumidis,
IG. Pallikaris.
Device for Measuring Aberration Refraction of the Eye. Ukrainian Patent No. 46833, 07.10.1998,
June, 2002
- VV. Molebny, IG. Pallikaris, Y. Wakil, S. Molebny. Method and
Device for Synchronous Mapping of the Total Refraction Non-Homogeneity of the
Eye and its Refractive Components. US Patent No. 6409345, 08.08.2000, June, 2002
- Pallikaris, I.
Bouzoukis, D. Panagopoulou, S. & Limnopoulou A., Advantages of
Corneal Inlays for Presbyopia – Flexivue’s smart monovision technique is reversible
and minimally invasive, Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, April
- Siganos, C. Tsiklis, N. Mitsakakis, D. Georgiadis, N.
Georgiadou, I. Kymionis, G. Pallikaris, I. Changing Indications for penetrating
Keratoplasty in Greece, 1982 – 2006: A Multicenter Study, Clinical Science,
Cornea, Vol. 29, Number 4, April 2010
- Pallikaris I., Dastiridou A., Tsilimparis M.,
Karyotakis N., Ginis H., Ocular Rigidity, Expert Review of Opthalmology, 5 (3),
343 – 351 (2010) Τσιλιμπάρης, Μ. Αγορογιάννης, Γ. Φυσαράκης, Ρ. Χριστοδούλου, Θ.