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  1. Palikaris IG, Siganos DS.  Guest Editors. Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. Seminars in Ophthalmology. W.B. Saunders Company, Orlando FL, USA, 1998 13(2).
  2. Palikaris IG.    Guest editor.   Refining Human Optics – The Future of Refractive Surgery. Euro Times, 1999, Vol 4, Issue 1, Jan-Feb
  3. VV. Molebny, I. H. Chyzh, V. M. Sokurenko, L. Naoumidis, I. Pallikaris, Y. S. Wakil. Device for Measuring Aberration Refraction of the Eye. US Patent Application No PCT/US99/23327, 7.10.1999
  4. Pallikaris IG, Katsanevaki VI. Lasik.Optical Complications of Photorefractive Surger., Eye News, edited by Dr.Shashi Kapoor, Mumbai, India on behalf of the Academy of Ophthalmology for Advancement of Sciences
  5. VV. Molebny, I. H. Chyzh, V. M. Sokurenko, L. Naoumidis, I. Pallikaris, Y. S. Wakil. Eye Refraction Aberrometer. International Patent Application: Publication Number WO 00/19885, 13.04.2000.
  6. Pallikaris IG, Quality of Vision and Functional Vision. A Critical Appraisal of “SuperVision” and Related Refractive Matters, Eurotimes, 2001,  Jan/Feb.
  7. Pallikaris IG.The European Results of the PRL. Ocular Surgery News, monograph titled “New Technologies in Phakic Refractive Lenses”, (Eurore/Asia-Pacific Edition), 2002, March:6-7.
  8. Tsagaraki DP, Evangeliou AE, Tsilimbaris M, Spilioti MG, Mixailidou EP, Lionis Chr, Pallikaris IG. The Significance of Opthalmologic Evaluation in the Early Diognosis of Inborn Errors of Metabolism: The Cretan Experience, BMC Ophthalmology  (online journal), 2002, Apr (2).
  9. Pallikaris IG, Burkhard D, Kaiser St. Wavefront Analysis and IOLs, What’s New?, Refractive News Letter (supplement of Laserpost),2002,  April(1):1.
  10. S.Lydataki, E.Lesnieswska, M.K.Tsilimbaris, S.Panagopoulou, C.Le Grimellec, I.G.Pallikaris. Excimer Laser Ablated Cornea Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy, Single Molecules, 2002, July (3): 2-3, 141-147.
  11. V.P Kozobolis, E.V.Christodoulakis, C.S.Siganos, I.G.Pallikaris. Haemorrhagische Abloesung der Descemet-Membran als Komplikation nach Tiefer Sklerektomie, Search on Glaucoma, 2002, 10:2, 46-48
  12. VV. Molebny, I. H. Chyzh, V. M. Sokurenko, L. Naoumidis, IG. Pallikaris. Device for Measuring Aberration Refraction of the Eye. Ukrainian Patent No. 46833, 07.10.1998, June, 2002
  13. VV. Molebny, IG. Pallikaris, Y. Wakil, S. Molebny. Method and Device for Synchronous Mapping of the Total Refraction Non-Homogeneity of the Eye and its Refractive Components. US Patent No. 6409345, 08.08.2000, June, 2002
  14. Pallikaris, I.  Bouzoukis, D. Panagopoulou, S. & Limnopoulou A., Advantages of Corneal Inlays for Presbyopia – Flexivue’s smart monovision technique is reversible and minimally invasive, Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today Europe, April 2010
  15. Siganos, C. Tsiklis, N. Mitsakakis, D. Georgiadis, N. Georgiadou, I. Kymionis, G. Pallikaris, I. Changing Indications for penetrating Keratoplasty in Greece, 1982 – 2006: A Multicenter Study, Clinical Science, Cornea, Vol. 29, Number 4, April 2010
  16. Pallikaris I., Dastiridou A., Tsilimparis M., Karyotakis N., Ginis H., Ocular Rigidity, Expert Review of Opthalmology, 5 (3), 343 – 351 (2010) Τσιλιμπάρης, Μ. Αγορογιάννης, Γ. Φυσαράκης, Ρ. Χριστοδούλου, Θ.