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Δημοσιεύσεις 2006
Δημοσιεύσεις 2006
- Aslanides, M.,
Plainis, S., Kumar, V., & Ginis, H. (2006). Phacoemulsification and
implantation of an accommodating IOL after PRK. J Refract Surg, 22(1), 106-108.
- Aslanides, M.,
Tsiklis, N. S., Ozkilic, E., Coskunseven, E., Pallikaris, G., &
Jankov, M. R. (2006). The effect of topical apraclonidine on
subconjunctival hemorrhage and flap adherence in LASIK patients. J Refract Surg, 22(6), 585-588.
- Detorakis, E.
T., Zissimopoulos, A., Katernellis, G., Drakonaki, E. E., Ganasouli, D.
L., & Kozobolis, V. P. (2006). Lower eyelid laxity in functional
acquired epiphora: evaluation with quantitative scintigraphy. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, 22(1),
- Ginis, H. S.,
& Pallikaris, I. (2006). Overestimation of the spherical aberration
after laser refractive surgery. J
Cataract Refract Surg, 32(5), 898-899.
- Jankov, M. R.,
2nd, Panagopoulou, S. I., Tsiklis, N. S., Hajitanasis, G. C., Aslanides,
M., & Pallikaris, G. (2006). Topography-guided treatment of irregular
astigmatism with the wavelight excimer laser. J Refract Surg, 22(4), 335-344.
- Kalyvianaki,
M. I., Katsanevaki, V. J., Kavroulaki, D. S., Kounis, G. A., Detorakis, E.
T., & Pallikaris, I. G. (2006). Comparison of corneal sensitivity and
tear function following Epi-LASIK or laser in situ keratomileusis for
myopia. Am J Ophthalmol, 142(4),
- Katsanevaki,
V. J., Kalyvianaki, M. I., Kavroulaki, D. S., & Pallikaris, I. G.
(2006). Epipolis laser in-situ keratomileusis: an evolving surface
ablation procedure for refractive corrections. Curr Opin Ophthalmol, 17(4), 389-393.
- Katsanevaki,
V. J., Naoumidi, II, Kalyvianaki, M. I., & Pallikaris, G. (2006).
Epi-LASIK: histological findings of separated epithelial sheets 24 hours
after treatment. J Refract Surg, 22(2),
- Kymionis, G.
D., & Pallikaris, I. G. (2006). Mitomycin C in highly myopic eyes. Ophthalmology, 113(2), 357; author
reply 357-358.
- Kymionis, G.
D., Tsiklis, N., Pallikaris, A. I., Diakonis, V., Hatzithanasis, G.,
Kavroulaki, D., et al. (2006). Long-term results of superficial laser in
situ keratomileusis after ultrathin flap creation. J Cataract Refract Surg, 32(8), 1276-1280.
- Kymionis, G.
D., Tsiklis, N. S., Ginis, H., Diakonis, V. F., & Pallikaris, I.
(2006). Dry eye after photorefractive keratectomy with adjuvant mitomycin
C. J Refract Surg, 22(5),
- Kymionis, G.
D., Tsiklis, N. S., Pallikaris, A. I., Kounis, G., Diakonis, V. F.,
Astyrakakis, N., et al. (2006). Long-term follow-up of Intacs for
post-LASIK corneal ectasia. Ophthalmology,
113(11), 1909-1917.
- Naoumidi, T.
L., Kounis, G. A., Astyrakakis, N. I., Tsatsaronis, D. N., &
Pallikaris, I. G. (2006). Two-year follow-up of conductive keratoplasty
for the treatment of hyperopic astigmatism. J Cataract Refract Surg, 32(5), 732-741.
- Ntimenou, V.,
Mourtas, S., Christodoulakis, E. V., Tsilimbaris, M., & Antimisiaris,
S. G. (2006). Stability of protein-encapsulating DRV liposomes after
freeze-drying: A study with BSA and t-PA. J Liposome Res, 16(4), 403-416.
- Pallikaris, I.
G. (2006). August consultation # 6. J
Cataract Refract Surg, 32(8), 1251-1252.
- Pallikaris, I.
G., Kymionis, G. D., Ginis, H. S., Kounis, G. A., Christodoulakis, E.,
& Tsilimbaris, M. K. (2006). Ocular rigidity in patients with
age-related macular degeneration. Am
J Ophthalmol, 141(4), 611-615.
- Plainis, S.,
Murray, I. J., & Carden, D. (2006). The dazzle reflex:
electrophysiological signals from ocular muscles reveal strong binocular
summation effects. Ophthalmic
Physiol Opt, 26(3), 318-325.
- Plainis, S.,
Murray, I. J., & Pallikaris, I. G. (2006). Road traffic casualties:
understanding the night-time death toll. Inj Prev, 12(2), 125-128.
- Tsilimbaris,
M. K., Charisis, S. K., Naoumidi, T., Panteleontidis, V., Skondra, D.,
Christodoulakis, E., et al. (2006). Contact transscleral ciliary body
photodynamic therapy in pigmented rabbits using verteporfin and diode
laser: evaluation of treatment parameters. Curr Eye Res, 31(7), 577-585.