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Δημοσιεύσεις 2005
Δημοσιεύσεις 2005
- Achtaropoulos,
A. K., Mitsos, A. P., Detorakis, E. T., Georgakoulias, N. V., Drakonaki,
E. E., & Kozobolis, V. P. (2005). Late isolated brain metastasis
following enucleation for choroidal melanoma. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging, 36(2), 151-154.
- Aslanides, I.
M., Tsiklis, N. S., Pallikaris, I. G., Jankov, M. R., Coskunseven, E.,
& Ozkilic, E. (2005). Apraclonidine and LASIK. Ophthalmology, 112(12), 2238; author reply 2244.
- Detorakis, E.
T., Engstrom, R. E., Jr., Wallace, R., & Straatsma, B. R. (2005). Iris
and anterior chamber angle neovascularization after iodine 125
brachytherapy for uveal melanoma. Ophthalmology,
112(3), 505-510.
- Detorakis, E.
T., Ioannakis, K., Drakonaki, E. E., Ganasouli, D., & Kozobolis, V. P.
(2005). Processed fascia lata as an alternative implant material in
evisceration. Ophthal Plast Reconstr
Surg, 21(2), 133-137.
- Detorakis, E.
T., Ioannakis, K., & Kozobolis, V. P. (2005). Corneal topography in
involutional ectropion of the lower eyelid: preoperative and postoperative
evaluation. Cornea, 24(4),
- Detorakis, E.
T., Koukoula, S., Chrisohoou, F., Konstas, A. G., & Kozobolis, V. P.
(2005). Central corneal mechanical sensitivity in pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
Cornea, 24(6), 688-691.
- Detorakis, E.
T., Zafiropoulos, A., Arvanitis, D. A., & Spandidos, D. A. (2005).
Detection of point mutations at codon 12 of KI-ras in ophthalmic pterygia.
Eye, 19(2), 210-214.
- Husain, D.,
Kim, I., Gauthier, D., Lane, A. M., Tsilimbaris, M. K., Ezra, E., et al.
(2005). Safety and efficacy of intravitreal injection of ranibizumab in
combination with verteporfin PDT on experimental choroidal
neovascularization in the monkey. Arch
Ophthalmol, 123(4), 509-516.
- Karapantzos,
I., Detorakis, E. T., Drakonaki, E. E., Ganasouli, D. L., Danielides, V.,
& Kozobolis, V. P. (2005). Ethmoidal osteoma with intraorbital
extension: excision through a transcutaneous paranasal incision. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 83(3),
- Katsanevaki,
V. J., Tsiklis, N. S., Astyrakakis, N. I., & Pallikaris, I. G. (2005).
Intraoperative management of partial flap during LASIK: a small case
series report. Ophthalmology, 112(10),
1710 e1711-1715.
- Kozobolis, V.
P., Detorakis, E. T., Maskaleris, G., Koukoula, S. C., Fountoulakis, N.,
Chrysochoou, F., et al. (2005). Corneal sensitivity changes following the
instillation of latanoprost, bimatoprost, and travoprost eyedrops. Am J Ophthalmol, 139(4), 742-743.
- Kymionis, G.
D., Naoumidi, T. L., Aslanides, I. M., Kumar, V., Astyrakakis, N. I.,
Tsilimbaris, M., et al. (2005). Intraocular pressure measurements after
conductive keratoplasty. J Refract
Surg, 21(2), 171-175.
- Kymionis, G.
D., Tsilimbaris, M. K., Christodoulakis, E. B., & Pallikaris, I. G.
(2005). Late onset branch retinal artery occlusion following coronary
angiography. Acta Ophthalmol Scand,
83(1), 122-123.
- Markomanolakis,
M. M., Kymionis, G. D., Aslanides, I. M., Astyrakakis, N., &
Pallikaris, I. G. (2005). Induced videokeratography alterations in
patients with excessive meibomian secretions. Cornea, 24(1), 16-19.
- Naoumidi, T.
L., Pallikaris, I. G., Naoumidi, II, & Astyrakakis, N. I. (2005).
Conductive keratoplasty: histological study of human corneas. Am J Ophthalmol, 140(6), 984-992.
- Pallikaris, A.
(2005). Adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy: results and applications. J Refract Surg, 21(5), S570-574.
- Pallikaris, I.
G., Kalyvianaki, M. I., Katsanevaki, V. J., & Ginis, H. S. (2005).
Epi-LASIK: preliminary clinical results of an alternative surface ablation
procedure. J Cataract Refract Surg,
31(5), 879-885.
- Pallikaris, I.
G., Kymionis, G. D., Ginis, H. S., Kounis, G. A., & Tsilimbaris, M. K.
(2005). Ocular rigidity in living human eyes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 46(2), 409-414.
- Pallikaris, I.
G., Naoumidi, T. L., & Astyrakakis, N. I. (2005). Long-term results of
conductive keratoplasty for low to moderate hyperopia. J Cataract Refract Surg, 31(8),
- Plainis, S.,
Ginis, H. S., & Pallikaris, A. (2005). The effect of ocular
aberrations on steady-state errors of accommodative response. J Vis, 5(5), 466-477.
- Plainis, S.,
& Murray, I. J. (2005). Magnocellular channel subserves the human
contrast-sensitivity function. Perception,
34(8), 933-940.
- Plainis, S.,
Murray, I. J., & Charman, W. N. (2005). The role of retinal adaptation
in night driving. Optom Vis Sci, 82(8),