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Research Fields

Research Fields

In the Lab of Vision and Optics basic and clinical research is conducted in the field of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. LVO aspires to maintain a leading position in innovation and translational research taking advantage of its ability to research, design, construct and apply in preclinical and clinical level all of its innovative results.


The high quality of research conducted at the LVO arises from the close collaboration between medical doctors and researchers from the fields of physics, mathematics and biology. Cooperation provides the ideal condition for rapid approach and thorough investigation of any topic of interest within the scope of the Institute.


The following fields of interests can be mentioned indicatevely:


-Microsurgery: development of new surgical techniques for the most effective treatment of eye diseases


-Medical Imaging: Evaluation and use of innovative imaging systems as well as development of new instruments for the imafing of ophthalmic structures with high resolution.


-Application of Lasers in Ophthalmology: new approachs for refractive surgery as well as photodynamic surhery for retinal diseases.


-Bioengineering of the eye: development of new instruments and methods for measuring mechanical properties of the wall of the eye and understanding the mechanisms that connest the mechanical properties of the eye in pathophysiology kai enolution of frequent diseases such age related macular degenaration and glaucoma.


-Biological basis of eye diseases: development of new methods to evaluate the mechanisms of vision and  pathologies at teh cellular and molecular level. Establishment of genetic databases for hereditary eye diseases. 


-Optical metrology of the eye:  evaluation of existing and develioment of new instruments and methods for measuring opticl aberrations.  


-Assessment, study and design of new drugs.


-Innovative applications of visual psychophysics.


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