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ΧΙΙ Αegean Summer school in Visual optics, 29-30 June 2016

  ΧΙΙ Αegean Summer school in Visual optics, 29-30 June 2016  

ΧΙΙ Αegean Summer school in Visual optics, 29-30 June 2016






His friend taking hic lunch because of his blindness during his school time. Now he is  35 years old and still hold on to his bread and eating his food in order not to lose it. With the Occasion of The Mayor of Istanbul Mr Kadir Topbaş the third bionic eye surgery performed to Serkan Çeçen in Dünyagöz Hospital. Now he is excited for eating his meal easily and look forward to the days he can  achieve qualified and sufficent work in his life. He is blind for the past 23 years. He lost his vision because of the retinitis pigmentosa disease also called the night-blindness across the community , in Turkey this disease sighted about in 20.000 people.Now with the bionic eye surgery he will be saying Hello to Life again.


Turkey’s first ,Dünyagöz Hospitals life changing Bionic Eye surgery performed for the first time on July 2015 to Dilek Ümran Öztürk and Hatice İnsel can now select objects and live a new life because they can do their daily work alone by theirselves..
The third Bionic eye surgery performed on Serkan Çeçen .
With the surgery performed in Dünyagöz Hospital Etiler shows that the dreams are no longer dreams. Mr Çeçen expressed that, "I want to hug my family and see my child. Those are like a miracle," he said. He is blind until he is 12 YEARS old living in Istanbul and was born in 1980. İn 12-year-old lost his eyesight due to disease, but he continued to cling to life.

When he came for an examination to Dünyagöz Hospitals he learnt the new eye technologies in July He learnt that he is suitable for ythe bionic eye surgery but because of his financial situation he can not be able to have the surgery. His chance returns with Mr Kadir Topbaş the Istanbul Mayor’s Martry visit to his neighbors . Mr Çeçen’s big brother explained the matter and asked for help from the Istanbul Mayor Mr Kadir Topbaş . Upon on the call from the Mayor to the Board Chairman of Dünyagöz Hospitals Mr Eray Kapıcıoglu , the third bionic eye transacted. Mr Çeçen also expressed that after 23 years the thought of me selecting and seeing the objects and be aware of them is a fascinating feeling.

Turkey's first bionic eye surgery was performed in Dünyagöz Etiler. 44-year-old Dilek Umran Öztürk, was brought to light after a full 20 years. Immediately after the success of this , the second bionic eye surgery  performed to 46-year-old Turkish Cyprus borned Hatice Insel.
Dr. Fevzi Akkan informed about the surgery performed to Hatice İnsel ; "the bionic eye surgery Mrs Hatice was not only recognize the light, but also yellow and orange colors. I can proudly say as a Turkish physicians that she is the most successful Bionics Eye case in the World.

Mrs Hatice’s vision after surgery is watching the level of 1-2%. This turnover rate is 3-4 times the other cases in the world with a high rate. Beside the discipline that Mrs Hatice  shown by  the treatment we foreseeing the process with the system rehabilitation experts and nurses to increase the level of her vision.

The Project Coordinator  Op. Dr. Nilüfer Köylüoğiu Ünal stated that till 10 years before there is nothing to do with helping these patients but from now on these bionic eye surgeriers will be increasing and the technology will be advanced cumulatively. Mrs Nilüfer Ünal also expressed that with the bionic eye surgeriers my patients starting to see the light is an amazing sentiment.

The Board member of Dünyagöz Hospitals Mrs Gülferi Yıldırım stated that this is a big happiness to bring light to the patients like Serkan Çeçen and we will be lights for more patients like them is make us proud.  

"Retinitis pigmentosa patients who lost their eyesight due to disease and Bionic Eye surgery is a great hope for the relatives, this surgery have been performed in the USA and also in the leading European countries. Serkan Çeçen got a really strong personality. We are excited to provide Light to much more peoples lifes like Mr Serkan.  


Who performed the operation of Serkan Çeçen ;

The operation actualised with the Directorship of Prof. Dr. loannis Pallikaris . In the operation ;

Op. Dr. Fevzi Akkan, Op Dr. Nilüfer Köylüoğiu Ünal, Doç. Dr. Nur Acar with the biomedical engineers , nurses , technicians , anesthetists and the rehabilitaion system experts, a big team take part.

How is the system working ?

The Bionic Eye system consist of two parts.

The inner part of the eye surgery is put into the operation. The outer part is made from the patients eyeglasses and the video processing unit. From miniature camera on the glasses on the processed video images through the glasses of antenna processing unit placed in the eye retinal implant is sent wirelessly.
It is implanted stimulation got the instructions and communicates via an electrode array to the retina. Patients see in black and white, shadow and light perception is growing. Once again the patient perceives the images , the patients is given training to learn to see again.


BIONIC eye surgery has reached particularly robust optic nerve and vision gradually lose moonblindness patients 25 years of age and at the same time, the light can be applied for those who feel a slight favorite. Many showing different genetic characteristics, moonblindness known as a rare disease that can cause blindness reasons such as illness of a consanguineous marriage is seen in 4 thousand people in Turkey.
Approximately 20 thousand people affected by this disease. In all these diseases in Europe is 167 thousand people. Moonblindness distorted over time, the light-sensitive cells in the retina disease. Accordingly, visual disturbances and blindness results keep coming.
Bionic eye surgery applied in chicken black eye, night blindness , this disease due to increasing upstart vision of people with shadow and light perception and obstacle detection level increases. It consists of three stages.

To choose the right patient , the examination results of the patient also the patients and the patients family’ssupport and motivation plays an important part of the process.

Prof Ioannis Pallikaris also stating that the studies are conducting for other patients also beside the (retinitis pigmentosa disease )night blindness. He informed that "dry age related macular was held first in England in the degeneration-yellow spot disease. If successful results achieved  in such patients  after the FDA process, this treatment should also apply in Turkey in a few years," .

June 2011, Intracorneal inlays showing positive outcomes by Michelle Dalton EyeWorld Contributing Editor, EYEWORLD



While not yet on the U.S. market, clinical studies and longer-term outcomes in Europe indicate these have potential in treating presbyopia
Editors' note: This article discusses technologies that are under investigation in the U.S. and are not yet approved for marketing. Investigators for Revision Optics declined comment; information on that inlay is derived from a literature/abstract search.


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