Research interests
There is an active research group (Visual Psychophysics and Electrophysiology lab) at the University of Crete with three PhD and five MSc students. Current projects involve:
(a) The role of eye fixations and saccades in reading. Effects of optokinetic and cognitive factors. (with MK Tsilimbaris and P. Simos, UoC + Ian Bailey, University California, Berkeley)
(b) Visual and strategic performance under conditions of stress/threat (partners: P. Bitsios and P. Simos, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UoC)
(c) Reanalysis of myopia prevalence values (with P Sapountzis, UoC and WN Charman, The University of Manchester)
(d) Investigation of visual adaptation mechanisms using electrophysiological and behavioural (reaction time) approaches (with: IJ Murray, NRA Parry, The University of Manchester, UK)
(e) Optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy of contact lenses (with J. Zacharakis and G. Tserevelakis, ITE, Greece)
(f) Small aperture monovision for correcting presbyopia: neural adaptation procedures (H Radhakrishnan, WN Charman, The University of Manchester, UK; DA Atchison, QUT, Australia)
(g) Multifocal contact lenses for correcting presbyopia (with: WN Charman, The University of Manchester, UK; DA Atchison, QUT, Australia)
(h) Visual function in monocularly-deprived patients (with MK Tsilimbaris, IG Pallikaris, UoC)
(i) Retinal toxicity in animal models using electrophysiology (with: MK Tsilimbaris, UoC)